In 2022, BIAV's advocacy efforts resulted in significant  increases in services for persons with brain injury, especially in rural areas of the state. Community based support services, including targeted Medicaid case management, received $2.3 million in new funding.

We're not done yet!

This year, we're asking the General Assembly to support the brain injury community by investing in people and services. You can find more information about our fundraising priorities this year here. Help make our voices heard this year and find out how you can help tell the General Assembly to invest in the brain injury community!

Although Brain Injury Awareness Day 2023 is over,  you can still get be an advocate to your legislators! Here's how you can get involved virtually:

Get Involved Virtually

We understand getting to the General Assembly in person takes a lot, but your voice can still be heard with our three letter writing templates! Here's what you need to know:

  1. Find your legislator: Our friends at the General Assembly make it easy for us to find the best ways to contact them. Simply type in your address here, click on your legislator's email, and write down their phone number. You can also reach out to members of the Senate Finance Committee or House Appropriations Committee. These committees are the "money committees" in charge of the budget bills.
  2. Review our legislative priorities and other advocacy resources: You can find all the information you need about our legislative priorities here. You can also review BIAV's Public Policy fact sheet to learn more about funding in Virginia and our Advocacy Tool-Kit to get more info on how to be the best advocate!
  3. Tell your story: Sharing your story is an important part of advocacy. Download one of the three letter writing templates available to you and write out your story! If you have a specific story to tell about how you or a loved one can benefit from any of our specific asks, please use their respective template!
  4. Make your voice heard: Give your legislators a call, send your letter, or write out an email to your legislator on January 30.