La forma en que las personas experimentan o expresan las emociones puede cambiar después de sufrirse una lesión cerebral traumática (LCT). Si bien esto puede ser angustiante para los miembros de la familia y los amigos, muchas estrategias pueden ayudar a manejar estas preocupaciones emocionales después de una LCT.
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La depresión es un sentimiento de tristeza, pérdida, desesperación o desesperanza que no mejora con el tiempo y que es lo suficientemente abrumador como para interferir con la vida diaria. Usted tiene motivo para preocuparse si se siente deprimido o pierde interés en las actividades acostumbradas por lo menos varios días por semana y si…
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An overview of the prevalence and systemic issues that add to the complexity of supporting individuals with brain injury and co-occurring behavioral health.
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This comic strip explains common emotional changes following a TBI and how to seek help.
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TBI is a risk factor for suicidal ideation and behavior. People with TBI can experience persistent cognitive, somatic, or psychological symptoms that can lead to poorer mental health, physical function, and quality of life. Veterans with a history of TBI were found to be at higher risk for suicide.
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The medical issues associated with traumatic brain injury are often mistakenly diagnosed as psychiatric disorders. A few simple questions and tests can elucidate the real culprit and lead to appropriate treatment.
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This Advisory briefly summarizes key elements of TBI and describe its relevance to behavioral health, including recommendations for how behavioral health professionals can better meet the needs of patients who have a history of TBI.
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This article provides information about controlling your anger after an injury, the dangers of anger, recognizing early warning signs for anger, and ideas about how to better control anger.
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Diagnosing a brain injury is not always as simple as getting a scan or picture of the brain. This is why something like a neuropsychological evaluation can help pinpoint the issues someone is having, what it causing it, and how to treat it effectively.
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Los efectos de una lesión cerebral y una enfermedad mental pueden parecer muy similares, por lo que comprender la relación entre ambas es importante para que las personas puedan defenderse a sí mismas y para que los profesionales médicos realicen diagnósticos precisos.
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