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Camp Counselor & Personal Attendant Application

The Brain Injury Association of Virginia (BIAV), a non-profit organization serving survivors of brain injuries, will conduct the 42nd year of Camp Bruce McCoy from May 17th – 24th at the Triple-R Ranch in Chesapeake, VA. Forty to sixty survivors, age 18 and older, will be served in our one-week session. Camp Bruce McCoy is designed to provide the best recreational opportunities possible for the campers, many of whom are homebound or in long-term care facilities the remainder of the year. The program will offer typical camp activities adapted to the abilities of each person.
BIAV will need approximately 20 counselors and 5 attendants for the program. Counselors and attendants are given the opportunity to apprentice for their chosen professions by learning valuable skills in the areas of brain injury, leadership, behavior management and therapeutic interventions. Counselors and personal care attendants will be brought on for one week as temporary seasonal personnel, and will be paid a stipend of $325 per week for work as a counselor and $350 per week for work as a personal care attendant. Counselors will work with groups of campers, help run activities and most importantly, be a friend. They will also assist campers with dressing, showers, hygiene and meals. Attendants will have similar responsibilities, but will be working with one individual who requires a high level of care and attention.
Beyond being a once-in-a-lifetime personal experience to work with and get to know these survivors, the program is a unique and enriching opportunity for persons interested in or currently working in rehabilitation professions, and provides an excellent opportunity to work with experienced professionals from a variety of medical and rehabilitation fields. The position is physically demanding, and requires initiative, willingness to give, and extraordinary patience. As the typical workday is very long, a high energy level is essential. The ideal counselor is personable and reliable, and able to work independently and as part of a team.
If you are interested in working at Camp Bruce McCoy, please complete the online application. All applicants will be contacted by BIAV. References will be requested before employment decisions are made, and a background check is required. Attendants may also be contacted by the families of the individual they would assist. Staff training will be provided online as well as in person on the day prior to the beginning of each session.
All accepted counselors and volunteers are highly encouraged to have received their primary series of the COVID-19 vaccine, and we strongly recommend that they receive the updated bivalent booster if eligible. In addition to other pre-camp requirements, you will also be required to sign a COVID-19 Acknowledgement of Risk & Statement of Understanding form.
Questions? Contact [email protected] or 804-355-5748.