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Call for Presenters
Making Headway Conference
March 15th & 16th 2024
DoubleTree Koger Center, Richmond, VA
The Brain Injury Association of Virginia (BIAV) is committed to provide quality educational opportunities for professionals, individuals and families that are impacted by brain injury. We are currently seeking individuals to present new and innovative topics on providing support and success in recovery and community living for individuals with a brain injury for our annual Making Headway Conference.
New this Year!
Friday, March 15th
Seeking specialized sessions designed for experienced professionals working with individual's with a brain injury.
Saturday March 16th
Seeking breakout sessions geared for all impacted by brain injury.
Seeking breakout sessions specifically for individuals with a brain injury.
Seeking breakout sessions for family members and caregivers/partners.
Submissions are due November 20, 2023
All submissions will be reviewed for consideration by the BIAV conference committee.
Call for Presenters
60 minute break out sessions needed!
Topic suggestions (not limited to suggestions) for professionals on Friday March 15th include:
- Strategies to improved executive functioning challenges
- Ethical challenges and strategies
- TBI co-occurring MH and substance misuse
- Cognitive Behavior therapy strategies and benefits
- Engagement – overcoming barriers when working with individuals with TBI
- Domestic violence/Interpersonal violence – what you need to know
- Switch the focus from Recovery to quality of life for individuals living with BI in the community
- Talking in depth about Neuropsychological evaluations
Topic suggestions (not limited to suggestions) for individuals with a brain injury and their families on March 16th:
- Starting your own business
- Becoming an advocacy superhero
- How to communicate effectively with family and your health care providers
- Financial planning
- Changing relationships
- Sharing life hacks
- Creating trust with agreement plans and consistency
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]