Family-Caregiving Resources

Being a Parent With a Traumatic Brain Injury

 This factsheet includes tools for how to overcome parenting challenges that might be encountered after a …

Brain Injury in Children Under 4 Years Old

Provides information about brain injuries (BI) in young children and how to decrease the risk, and protect children from BI.

Communication Tips for Caregivers

This handout provides tips for improving communication between family, caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Compassion Fatigue for Caregivers

This article explains what compassion fatigue is, and ways that caregivers/family can manage it.

Couples’ Relationships After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

This fact sheet will help couples understand some of the common changes they may notice in their relationship after TBI. Also, suggestions are given on how couples can address some of the more difficult changes they are experiencing.

Dealing with COVID-Related Anxiety While Living with a Brain Injury

This handout provides general tips that individuals, families and caregivers can use when dealing with COVID-related anxiety and a brain injury.

Helpful Tips for Managing Your Child’s Brain Injury

This article provides tips for dealing with the family changes and guilt that can occur when a child gets a brain injury.

Hiring In-Home Help

This article provides ways for how to assess if in-home help is needed, the types of in-home services available, and how to access the help.

Impact of Brain Injuries on Family

Describes common problems for families after a loved one experiences a brain injury. Also provides ways to manage those problems.

Las relaciones de pareja después de una lesión cerebral traumática

Después de sufrir una lesión cerebral traumática (LCT), muchas parejas encuentran que la relación con su pareja cambia drásticamente. Esos cambios son bastante personales y pueden ser demasiado emocionales para dos personas en una relación. La presente hoja informativa busca ayudar a las parejas a comprender algunos de los cambios comunes que pueden notar en su relación después de la …

My Child’s Brain Injury: Coping with Guilt

This handout provides strategies that other parents have used in coping with guilt from a child’s brain injury.

My Parent Has a TBI: A Guide for Teenagers

Having a parent who is recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can make being a teenager very hard sometimes. Many teens tell us that their lives have become very complicated. Often, they are not sure where to turn for help. This article will explain some of the normal feelings and experiences many teenagers have when they are living with a parent who has a brain injury. …

Respite Resources

This document provides information about several respite options available in Virginia.

Self-Care & Resiliency for Caregivers: A Quick Guide

This quick guide provides ways in which caregivers can promote resiliency and self-care in their own lives.

Ser padre con una lesión cerebral traumática

Esta hoja informativa incluye herramientas sobre cómo superar los desafíos de crianza que podrían encontrarse después de una …

Shaken Baby Syndrome

This handout provides facts about shaken baby syndrome, risk factors, prevention tips, and resources to connect with.

Supporting Independence Among Persons with Brain Injury

This article provides practical tips for caregivers to release control and promote independence for their loved ones who sustained a brain injury.

Talking to Children about Parents with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

This article provides information about discussing a family member’s brain injury with a child, as well as tips to help them cope.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Children

This is a quick guide for parents/caregivers that provides info on what symptoms to look for, returning to school, and recovery take-aways for children who sustained a TBI.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Infants & Children

Provides information about TBI in infants and children, and considerations for returning to school.

When a Child has a Brain Injury: Impact on Entire Family

This handout provides common problems and solutions that some families use to help them feel supported and strong.

Your Child’s Development

This handout explains the developmental changes that may occur in a child following a brain injury.