Site icon Brain Injury Association of Virginia

Donate to BIAV Online


One-Time Donation or Recurring Donation

How You Make a Difference

As a nonprofit, we depend on the generosity of donors like you. Your support provides essential services and programs for individuals and families such as:

Donate with Confidence

BIAV is committed to transparency. We are proud to be a Platinum-Level Seal GuideStar Exchange Seal recipient – the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar. Donors can click on the seal to learn more about our services, programs, financials, and governance. 

BIAV is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Employer Identification Number (EIN) 54-1240683. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

(Please note: recurring donations are set at a minimum of $25 monthly to help mitigate credit card processing fees.)

Disclaimer: BIAV is not in the business of providing professional legal or financial advice, and donors should consult with their own advisors to ascertain how these opportunities may complement their own personal, philanthropic and tax planning objectives.

Other Ways to Make an Impact:

Recurring Gifts

Believe. Do. Repeat. A recurring gift helps more people, more often.

Matching Gifts

Find out if your employer offers a matching gift program and maximize your giving opportunities.

Planned Giving

From stock to insurance to estate bequests, you can help BIAV now and in the future.

Partner with Us

Sponsor an event or become a year-round Mission Partner to advance our work.

Become a Member

Our goal is to tell elected officials that we work with over 1000 members; help us get there.

For any questions or if you need more information about your giving options, please contact Director of Development, Liz Wilson at

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