Site icon Brain Injury Association of Virginia

Thank You for Phoning a Friend

Thank you for Phoning a Friend!

February 1 was BIAV’s Phone a Friend at the General Assembly day! On this day, we asked advocates, survivors, and all those in the brain injury community to reach out to legislators in the Virginia General Assembly to ask them to support brain injury funding.

Letters, Calls, and Emails

We had so many amazing brain injury advocates reach out to their legislators. We had over 85 emails, letters, and calls to legislators from survivors! Over 80 emails, calls, and letters from staff and program leaders. Community advocates also showed up for the brain injury community and emailed, called, and sent letters or called 25 legislators!  

“Social isolation, lack of in-person communication, and on-line services mean more needs to be done to allow all of us to access to information and build relationships. Having funding to allocate to these needs helps strengthen the community, economy, and improve independence. I’m hoping we can voice our concerns to reinforce what we have already built and continue to grow, which is why I took the time to write to legislators.” – Stacy, Friend of someone with a brain injury and an advocate

“My handicapped daughter Lise, who suffered brain injury from an automobile accident, has been helped considerably by the Brain Injury Services ADAPT Clubhouse. This facility/organization has provided Lise with much needed social life and support for the last decade, and this has made a tremendous difference in Lise’s life.” – Arlene, parent of someone with a brain injury


During Phone a Friend, Anne and Tim from BIAV and Jason from CBIS took a trip down to the General Assembly building to pay some visits to some legislators. We saw a lot of wonderful legislator’s and their aids including:

Advocacy Matters!

Our meetings with legislators sparked conversations about the importance of supporting the brain injury community. Advocacy doesn’t stop after February 1st; it can be a daily practice!

  1. Stay informed about brain injury – BIAV offers resources for you to stay educated about brain injury on our website. Our Twitter also often shares new research and information about brain injury as well.
  2. Talk with friends and family about brain injury – Brain injuries, like other disabilities, can come with stigma. Share facts with friends and family about the importance of brain injuries and ways they can end that stigma.
  3. Engage with the brain injury communityBecome a member of BIAV, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow our social media channels.
  4. Participate in More Than My Brain Injury campaign– March is Brain Injury Awareness Month and BIAV is participating in the #MoreThanMyBrainInjury public awareness campaign to:
    • Improve care and support for individuals with brain injury and their families
    • Increase understanding of brain injury as a chronic condition
    • Reduce the stigma associated with having a brain injury
    • Showcase the diversity of injury and demographics of those injured

The More Than My Brain Injury campaign gives individuals a chance to overcome those definitions, allowing them to tell their own stories and change the narrative of their lives. You can share your story and how you’re more than your brain injury here.

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