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Agency and Consumer Directed personal care, respite care, and companion services will require EVV beginning October 1, 2019.

DMAS will implement EVV for Agency and Consumer Directed personal care, respite care, and companion services that originate or conclude in the member’s home beginning October 1, 2019.

What is Electronic Visit Verification?

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) systems are technology-based systems that electronically record when attendants begin and end providing services to individuals who have Medicaid. Such systems may include features to verify the attendant’s location and assure that the attendant is in the beneficiary’s home. These systems require a device like a phone, computer, or some other electronic method to track attendant’s start and end times.  To learn more visit the DMAS website or contact your Service Facilitator.

Who is affected?

EVV affects attendants providing Consumer Directed personal care, respite care, and companion services to Medicaid members. Effective, October 1, 2019, DMAS will no longer accept paper timesheets. This change is required by a new federal rule.

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